Sirona Fuels is headquartered in San Francisco, CA with refinery operations in Oakland, CA. Sirona addresses the unmet needs of diverse constituencies in the biodiesel ecosystem to help close the streams of waste and reduce the impacts that energy needs create. The company currently produces a low-carbon, ASTM-spec biodiesel from its used cooking oil collection and refining business and is expanding its feedstock intake to include jatropha in Q1 2009. The company’s production model revolves around sustainable feedstocks that in-turn provide an affordable, environmentally friendly alternative to petroleum diesel. Sirona is a proud supporter of the local and international communities and businesses that help provide the company with its feedstock. 

Sirona Fuels was formed to use the biodiesel industry as a vehicle to bring positive economic, social and environmental change while providing solid returns to its investors. It is doing this by proliferating the use of locally refined biodiesel, and procuring the oil used in production in ways that offer significant benefits to the communities that supply the oil. It currently operates a biodiesel refinery in Oakland, CA and is expanding into additional markets.

We strive to have the lowest carbon footprint in our industry. To start with, we make a cleaner-burning non-toxic biodegradable fuel out of waste used cooking oil and off-spec non-food grade cooking oil. Every year, we keep 720,000 gallons of used cooking oil out of the landfill and use it to keep 500,000 gallons of petroleum based diesel fuel from being burned every year. Our biodiesel produces 78.5% less CO2 than diesel fuel, helping combat global warming.

We run our trucks on the biodiesel we create.

We have modified much of our mechanical equipment in the factory to run on biodiesel instead of fossil fuels. This includes our boilers and compressors. These would run on fossil fuels like natural gas, gasoline or diesel otherwise.

We send all of our manufacturing waste to East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) where they convert it into methane in their anaerobic digester. This in another way that we reuse a waste product to create energy.

We are certified as a Bay Area Green Business.

We are firmly rooted in our community. We buy a local waste product to then make a local fuel which is sold locally.